Back-to-school for Retirement Plans
School is now in session!
Let’s check if you’re preparing for retirement and review the following items we’ve listed below.
Contribute to your Retirement Plan
It is imperative to keep track of your retirement plan and set aside a percentage of your income. It’s recommended to save at least 12% of your income for an enjoyable retirement.1
Assign or Update Beneficiaries
A critical part of having a retirement plan is to assign the accounts beneficiaries. It’s important to periodically check or update the account after major life events like the death of a spouse, marriage, divorce, etc.
Familiarize yourself with your Company’s Offerings
Does your company offer long-term care insurance and/or healthcare plans? It’s a good idea to be familiar with their benefits and frequently check to see what new perks they offer.
Be Aware of Cyber Security
Cyber-attacks are common and should be recognized by retirement plan participants to ensure their information is safe. It’s essential to frequently update your passwords and educate yourself on cyber security.
Hunter Nighbert
Financial Advisor
1 https://money.com/you-should-be-saving-at-least-12-of-your-pay-for-retirement-heres-why/
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