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Perspectives & News

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Retirement Account Contribution Limits for 2025

As the cost of living continues to rise, planning for retirement remains a top priority for many Americans. One of the key components in securing a comfortable retirement is maximizing contributions to retirement accounts such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and employer-sponsored 401(k) plans. For 2025, the IRS has set new contribution limits for these retirement savings vehicles, allowing individuals to put away more money for the future.

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Inherited IRA Withdrawal Rules from the Secure Act

By now, most people are aware the Secure Act, passed in 2020, contained major changes to the rules surrounding distribution requirements from Inherited IRAs for accounts inherited in 2020 or after. Primarily, this law eliminated the Stretch IRA provision for non-spousal beneficiaries. For the last several years, however, the requirements have been vague and undefined by the IRS.

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Waiting for the Bottom to Fall? How the Stock Market Reacts to Presidential Elections

Presidential elections in the U.S. can elicit strong emotions and anxiety for investors and often bring significant attention to the stock market, as investors anticipate how political outcomes might influence economic policies. Historically, market behavior around election time follows certain trends, driven largely by uncertainty and speculation about future policy changes.

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