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Plan Sponsor

Get the latest retirement plan industry news, education and tips you need to know to help navigate your fiduciary responsibilities. Contact your Plan Consultant with any questions.

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Helping Employees Avoid Retirement Health Care Sticker Shock

Housing? Check. Life insurance? Check. Dining out? Check. For most retirees, these types of line items are fairly predictable and factored into their monthly budget. But when it comes to health care, the situation can change dramatically. These expenses are often unpredictable and underestimated — and this wild card can disrupt an otherwise carefully planned retirement, leaving many seniors vulnerable.

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Overcoming Challenges in HR and Benefits Departments

Employees in the HR and benefits departments handle many responsibilities, such as managing a company's health care benefits or supervising the retirement plan. As a result, it’s common for these employees to experience times of overwhelm, stress, and burnout. It is crucial for plan sponsors, who are frequently overseeing these teams, to understand the difficulties that HR and benefit departments encounter daily, and to avoid compromising their fiduciary duties to these workers.

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The High Cost of Financial Stress in the Workplace

According to ComPsych, the world’s largest provider of employee assistance programs, anxiety is the No. 1 presenting issue of employees seeking counseling, exceeding self-referrals for depression, stress, relationship issues, family issues, addiction and grief. The direct consequences of untreated anxiety impact both employees and employers alike.

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Closing the Financial Wellness Engagement Gap

A recent survey from market intelligence firm Cerulli Associates highlights a striking disparity in the financial wellness space. According to the report, U.S. Retirement End-Investor 2024, more than 90% of defined contribution recordkeepers provide financial wellness services and 71% of plan sponsors have adopted such programs. Yet at the same time actual engagement remains low, with usage rates for most resources below 20%. And while 41% of participants find their financial wellness resources “very helpful,” a majority (57%) express neutral sentiments.

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The Magic Number Gap: Bridging the Divide Between Expectations and Reality

A troubling trend has emerged in the retirement planning space: The “magic number” — or amount of money Americans believe they need to retire comfortably — has surged to an all-time high, even as actual retirement savings have declined. This growing disparity or “magic number gap,” highlights a significant and escalating challenge for both participants and plan sponsors. Northwestern Mutual’s 2024 Planning & Progress Study reveals that U.S. adults now believe they will need $1.46 million to retire comfortably, a 15% increase from the previous year’s target of $1.27 million and a jump that far exceeds the current rate of inflation.

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