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Plan Sponsor

Get the latest retirement plan industry news, education and tips you need to know to help navigate your fiduciary responsibilities. Contact your Plan Consultant with any questions.

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Helping Employees Avoid Retirement Health Care Sticker Shock

Housing? Check. Life insurance? Check. Dining out? Check. For most retirees, these types of line items are fairly predictable and factored into their monthly budget. But when it comes to health care, the situation can change dramatically. These expenses are often unpredictable and underestimated — and this wild card can disrupt an otherwise carefully planned retirement, leaving many seniors vulnerable.

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Boomer or Bust: Charting a Path Toward Retirement Security

A recent study commissioned by the ALI Retirement Income Institute has revealed a stark reality: A substantial portion of America’s Baby Boomer population is ill-prepared for retirement. As the retirement countdown begins for Peak Boomers, plan sponsors have an opportunity to implement impactful strategies that can help increase the financial security of employees entering their golden years.

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Avoiding Social Media Pitfalls in Retirement Planning

Americans are increasingly getting financial and retirement planning guidance from social media, risking exposure to misinformation, harmful advice and outright scams. Alarmingly, this includes almost eight in 10 millennials and Gen Zers. Workers turning to these platforms can undercut the benefit of employer-sponsored financial wellness initiatives and put themselves at risk. But there are ways to help ensure sound advice prevails.

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Boosting Lower Wage Earners' Retirement Readiness

A recent Vanguard report finds that individuals in the lowest income bracket spend a staggering 96% of their pre-retirement income on daily needs, compared to the highest bracket spending only 43% on average. This income spend-down disparity leaves lower and middle class individuals with a substantial shortfall in retirement readiness. Plan sponsors can take proactive steps to help participants better prepare for a secure retirement with these simple tips.

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