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Plan Sponsor

Get the latest retirement plan industry news, education and tips you need to know to help navigate your fiduciary responsibilities. Contact your Plan Consultant with any questions.

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Four Reasons to Integrate Health Savings Into Your Retirement Plan

As Americans look into the future and towards retirement, many understand that maintaining their health will be an important part of their overall quality of life after they stop working. However, uncertainty around healthcare costs – both now and in retirement – is a major financial worry among Americans preparing for retirement.

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Summer Homework for Fiduciaries

As you bask in the glory of summer over the next couple of months, don’t forget the three Fs that define this cherished season — fun, Fourth of July, and fiduciary! While you’re enjoying the fruits of summer, don’t forget your fiduciary responsibilities!

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Millennials Know It All. But, Are They Saving For Retirement

Millennials – they’ve infiltrated the workplace and bring expertise in social media, individuality, technology and hipster bars. But, what do they know about saving for retirement? Typically, younger people don’t make retirement savings a priority. Living expenses, student debt, rent or house payments, and other day-to-day expenses mean that retirement savings take a back seat.

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Four Ways to Increase Employee Retirement Contributions

As a retirement plan sponsor, you want your employees to save the most they can in order to reach their maximum retirement potential. A significant amount of research says that you can improve both employee participation and their saving rates. Here are four ways you can help your employees start building a confident retirement:

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