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Perspectives & News

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Inherited IRA Withdrawal Rules from the Secure Act

By now, most people are aware the Secure Act, passed in 2020, contained major changes to the rules surrounding distribution requirements from Inherited IRAs for accounts inherited in 2020 or after. Primarily, this law eliminated the Stretch IRA provision for non-spousal beneficiaries. For the last several years, however, the requirements have been vague and undefined by the IRS.

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Waiting for the Bottom to Fall? How the Stock Market Reacts to Presidential Elections

Presidential elections in the U.S. can elicit strong emotions and anxiety for investors and often bring significant attention to the stock market, as investors anticipate how political outcomes might influence economic policies. Historically, market behavior around election time follows certain trends, driven largely by uncertainty and speculation about future policy changes.

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Simplifying Eldercare Planning for Your Family

As the population ages, the term “Elder” has become increasingly common in discussions. You may have heard it in phrases like “Eldercare,” “Elder Law,” or “Elder Finance.” This can be confusing, so we’d like to explain and simplify the concept of eldercare planning.

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Responsibilities of an Executor of an Estate

Clients often come to us with questions on estate planning. We at MCF are here as a guide and resource to help you navigate the decisions you must make while drawing up your estate plan. One decision you must make when estate planning is choosing an executor. Someone you trust to ensure your wishes are carried out. Let’s walk through what being an executor involves.

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A Tale of Two Pension Funds

In March 2023, there were approx. 27.5 million Americans with pension plans. As these individuals approach retirement, a crucial question arises: "How should I withdrawal funds?" Read on to discover factors to consider when making this decision.

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