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Perspectives & News

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Tips for Preventing Fraud

Cybercrime and fraud are serious threats and constant vigilance is key. While MCF plays an important role in helping protect your assets, you can also take action to protect yourself and help secure your information. This checklist summarizes common cyber fraud tactics, along with tips and best practices.

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MCF Insights: Traditional Banks are Struggling to Stave Off the Fintech Revolution

Traditional banks are haunted by financial technology – fintech – firms. Challengers such as mobile-first banks Chime in the US, Monzo in the UK and Germany’s N26 have been around for a number of years now, but big global and regional banks are still struggling to deal with the competition. While fintechs experience a goldrush of investment – US$39.6 billion in 2018, up from 120% from 20171 – banking CEOs find themselves under increasing pressure from shareholders alarmed at the slow rate of change taking place.

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MCF Insights: Tax-Efficient Investing

Taxes are a reality of life. As a result, taxes should be included in the evaluation and construction of any portfolio plan. Investors that ignore the effect of taxes on investments may end up paying higher taxes and earlier than needed. The good news is that investors have some control over when and how taxes will be generated in the investment process to reduce taxes.

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