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Perspectives & News

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MCF Perspective Moment - Market Update

In this month’s MCF Perspective Moment, Dave Harris, CEO, provides an update on interest rates and how the rate of change to money supply affects the economy. Dave also provides helpful historical context on consumer confidence and data showing how the S&P 500 has trended as we enter the third year of the presidency.

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Understanding Capital Gains

A capital gain is generated from the sale of a capital asset, generally an investment-type asset. Not all capital gains are considered equal in the eyes of the IRS. A gain from the sale of a capital asset held for less than a year is considered a short-term capital gain and is taxed at ordinary income tax rates.

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MCF Perspective Moment - Market Update

In this month’s MCF Perspective Moments, Dave Harris, CEO of MCF Advisors, provides an update on market volatility, factors affecting inflation, the changing environment, and our views regarding the potential for three different courses of inflation – and its effects on the markets – going forward.

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