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Portfolio rebalancing, how to budget your money, what’s an HSA and who needs one? Preparing for retirement is hard. From personal finance basics to retirement planning and everything in between, we’ve got a few ideas to make life a little simpler. Contact MCF with any questions.

Financial Wellness

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Women's Financial Health: Five Powerful Financial Moves

A gender gap in financial health has existed for a long time, with only one in five women feeling financially healthy versus 29% of men, it’s time the wave of change continues to help more women feel economically empowered. Here are several moves you can make to support your financial health and be better prepared for your future.

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How to Fit Your Student Loan Payments Back in Your Budget

After more than a 3-year-long pause due to the pandemic, federal student loan payments restarted in October 2023. For millions of borrowers, restarting student loan payments is a serious shift in their financial circumstances, especially as many borrowers are making payments for the first time since graduating. If this has been a pain point in your budget, here are some actions you can take.

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Financial Frost Checkup

As the winter season blankets our surroundings, it's the perfect time to conduct a comprehensive review of your financial situation. Use these tips to reflect on your current financial state of affairs and to assess your future goals.

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Gobbling Up Good Financial Habits

Holidays are all about spreading cheer and giving, but sometimes people tend to go a bit overboard, which can later result in financial stress. According to a survey conducted by Country Financial, 32% of folks feel the most financial pressure during the holiday season. Here are some ways to practice good financial habits this holiday season, in order to reduce spending stress.

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Talking Money with Your Aging Parents

There’s a good chance you will have to get involved with your parents’ finances as they age. 1 in 4 adults say their parents rely on them for financial support. Whatever their situation, you need to be prepared to have these conversations. Read more for tips on how to have peace of mind if you must get involved with your parents’ finances.

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