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Participant Insights

Portfolio rebalancing, how to budget your money, what’s an HSA and who needs one? Preparing for retirement is hard. From personal finance basics to retirement planning and everything in between, we’ve got a few ideas to make life a little simpler. Contact MCF with any questions.

Financial Wellness

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Political Impact in Investing

Investors need to be aware of their own biases when selecting their investments. A University of Michigan study shows that Americans tend to have a higher consumer sentiment during seasons where their party is in office, and a lower sentiment when their party is not. It is important to understand how these political bias's might affect a consumer's views on investing.

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How Much Do You Know About Target Date Funds

The average person is likely unfamiliar with the term “TDF” however it is the most utilized and fastest-growing investment option in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. As a plan participant, it is essential to know what you are investing in. Follow along below to educate yourself about your retirement investments.

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The Power of Staying Invested

Some investors try to “time” the market, or buy and sell based on their guess about which direction the market will move next. By doing so, these investors often miss out on the best days. The graph below shows the difference between investors who stayed in the market during volatile periods with those who only briefly left but missed some of the market’s best days.

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The Power of Staying Invested

Some investors try to “time” the market or buy and sell based on their guess about what the market will do next. By doing so, they often miss out on the best days. There is a big difference between investors who stayed in the market during volatile periods with those who only briefly left but missed some of the market’s best upswings.

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When is Risk Too Much?

Asset allocation and diversification are key components of your portfolio. As you get closer to retirement, it becomes increasingly important to shift a portion of your portfolio to more conservative investments like highly rated bonds and cash.  Read more to discover how you can diversify your assets to make the most of your retirement.

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