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Participant Insights

Portfolio rebalancing, how to budget your money, what’s an HSA and who needs one? Preparing for retirement is hard. From personal finance basics to retirement planning and everything in between, we’ve got a few ideas to make life a little simpler. Contact MCF with any questions.

Financial Wellness

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The “Clicking” Concept: Americans Struggle to Save for Retirement

Many Americans are finding it increasingly difficult to save for their futures. This challenge is often encapsulated by the term “clicking,” a concept that represents the ongoing process of managing daily expenses in a way that stretches a paycheck as far as possible. After covering essential costs—such as groceries, mortgage payments, childcare, and unexpected bills—there can be little left for savings. Click.… Click.… Click!

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Navigating Health Savings: Your HSA Guide

Health savings accounts (HSAs) have surged in popularity over the years. You may have encountered them, possibly as part of the benefits offered by your workplace. This article attempts to answer frequently asked questions about HSAs.

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Creating A Savings Budget

With monthly expenses increasing due to the rise of inflation, and lavish lifestyles expanding rapidly in the heat of digital consumerism, how do we make a personal budget and stick to it? Read more to discover tips on creating a realistic spending and savings plan, in order to help you reach your financial goals.

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Gobbling Up Good Financial Habits

Holidays are all about spreading cheer and giving, but sometimes people tend to go a bit overboard, which can later result in financial stress. According to a survey conducted by Country Financial, 32% of folks feel the most financial pressure during the holiday season. Here are some ways to practice good financial habits this holiday season, in order to reduce spending stress.

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How Much is Enough?

There are many formulas for figuring out how much money you need to retire. While thinking seriously about retirement finances is useful, for most people, these formulas may not come close to what your retirement actually looks like.

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The Advantage of Saving Early

The amount of your total nest egg is exponentially influenced by the duration of time it has to compound. In other words, the earlier you start saving, the better, by leaps and bounds.

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