How Much Do You Know About Your Retirement Plan Quiz?
Many people often find that they know far less about their retirement plan than they thought. Test yourself with the quiz below and see how much you know about your financial future.
Portfolio rebalancing, how to budget your money, what’s an HSA and who needs one? Preparing for retirement is hard. From personal finance basics to retirement planning and everything in between, we’ve got a few ideas to make life a little simpler. Contact MCF with any questions.
Many people often find that they know far less about their retirement plan than they thought. Test yourself with the quiz below and see how much you know about your financial future.
A retirement income replacement rate is the percentage of your income that you will need to have saved to maintain your current lifestyle in retirement. Here are five factors that determine your income replacement rate.
Financial planners who conduct retirement consulting have been pointing out that you can find yourself in trouble when you reach retirement if you’re saving without a goal. Many people have been saving for retirement without taking the time to figure out how much they’ll need when they eventually retire. How do you know if you’re saving enough if you don’t know how much you’ll need in the future?
A gender gap in financial health has existed for a long time, with only one in five women feeling financially healthy versus 29% of men, it’s time the wave of change continues to help more women feel economically empowered. Here are several moves you can make to support your financial health and be better prepared for your future.
If you’re new to saving for retirement, all the unfamiliar jargon can be off-putting. We’ve compiled some of the most common retirement terms, outlining what they mean and why they’re important. This is a great place to start building your retirement planning confidence.
Health savings accounts (HSAs) have surged in popularity over the years. You may have encountered them, possibly as part of the benefits offered by your workplace. This article attempts to answer frequently asked questions about HSAs.