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Perspectives & News

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MCF Insights: Mortgage Rates Are Trending Down in 2019

The Federal Reserve is doing homeowners a big favor, keeping interest rates low. That means you should consider refinancing your old higher-rate mortgage. But how do you go about this? First of all, you should know that not everyone can qualify for a new mortgage. If some of your payments were delinquent or your home is underwater, for instance, you may have a problem.

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MCF Insights: Beware of Big Moves During Earnings Season

Earnings season is under way for the second quarter. Don’t be surprised to see sudden stock price moves when companies report. But that doesn’t mean you should respond to every twitch. Each quarter, public companies open their books and disclose to the world how they performed during the past three months. It can be a time of great stress and great jubilation for shareholders. The move in the company’s share price following an earnings announcement often stems from whether the company beats or misses the expectations set by Wall Street.

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