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Perspectives & News

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MCF Insights: Bankruptcies, Pensions, & the Dodo Bird

When a company announces bankruptcy, employees usually lose their jobs and benefits. But what happens to former employees who were promised pensions or other benefits? Well, a federal judge just ruled that the Westmoreland Coal Company – one of the largest coal companies in the country – could end the health benefits for its former miners and families.1 And the decision has many retirees worried about their own health care and pensions. And rightly so.

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MCF Insights: A Look at Tax Planning for Retirement

After years of saving and planning for their golden years, many people nearing retirement fail to consider the tax burden they may face on income they receive after they stop working. While you will likely see a reduction in the amount of taxes you owe after the age of 65, you still need to plan ahead if you want to minimize your tax bill from the IRS.

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